foster core Islamic principles of self-worth, self-Tarbiyah and moral conduct


In order to foster core Islamic principles of self-worth, self-Tarbiyah and moral conduct, Husayni Madrasah has established rules and regulations. These enhance a good productive learning environment that allows effective learning and builds personality with the final goal of being the followers of the Awaited Savior (atfs).

Code of Conduct forms the basis of Akhlaq, hence, the Husayni Madrasah follows the following system for students to accumulate Tarbiyah rewarding points of good conduct or being penalised for bad conduct throughout the year. Each student will be awarded with 100 Tarbiyah points to start the year. Points will then be awarded or deducted through the year.

A student who abides to the code of conduct and has no offences at the end of every month will receive 2 bonus Tarbiyah points.

A student will receive +2 BONUS points every month if he wears full uniform

Students obtaining 100% attendance with Tarbiyah at the end of the year will receive a special award.

A student who takes the initiative by researching, preparing, and presenting on a topic under the supervision: +5 points

Students with less than 70% attendance will not be allowed to sit for the exams

A student that does community service throughout the year and presents the necessary proof (e.g. IUVC, DS): +5 points

Punctuality, Presentation And Uniform

Learn more about the Husayni Madrasah rules regarding Punctuality, Absenteeism and Uniform.

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Learn more about the Husayni Madrasah rules regarding Academics.

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Learn more about the Husayni Madrasah rules on how to acquire bonus tarbiyah points and rules regarding General Offences.

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